Tuesday 28 July 2009


Once upon a time there lived a very happy (but very poor) family. It was very very very very tiring for the grown-ups because they had 20 children (the baby was 20Th).
One day, the children were exploring in the back garden playing treasure hunts. Suddenly the eldest girl found a beautiful box in the mud. She opened the box. The box let out a huge roar. The roar pulled the children into the box including the baby. The place looked so strange and the first thing they saw was a huge bean stalk taller than the earth, taller than the clouds, it was so tall that it ended right in the universe.
They started to climb it. The baby was only a toddler. The eldest girl called Abbie had to lift her little toddler called Morten. So they all climbed up the bean stalk. When they got up to the clouds, they saw one huge castle. They had already heard the story of Jack and the Bean Stalk. So they didn't want to end up being 20 roasted toasts. Therefore they climbed higher and higher until they reached the universe. It was such a sight below that they couldn't even look down. Morten started crying.
He started saying, 'mummy...I want my mummy.......I hate this world''. Abbie said, ''alright, alright. We shall go after this adventure''. Then Morten said crossly, ''I don't want to have an adventure''. Abbie was really bossy. So she said to Morten, ''Just shut up you little twit''. Then Morten kept quiet with a very serious face. The last person at the end of the bean stalk was saying, ''move on Abbie, move on......Can't you just jump on a planet''.
So Abbie jumped on the planet Mars. Then all the rest went with her. The last person was nearly dangling off the bean stalk. But finally he got himself on to the planet Mars.
Suddenly an orange sticky alien came to them and said,"What on Mars are you doing here?" He also spat out some bubbles on them which was quite rude. All the children asked, " who are you?" But the Alien shouted crossly at Morten," The rules are we ask first - Who are you? Abby said, "Get away from my little brother you nitwit." So the Alien said, " Lets just stop the arguement." All right said the twenty children. The Alien then asked with a wicked grin, "Are you hungry? Abby said that they were all hungry. The Alien said to Abby, " ok then, get them in order from oldest to youngest. They all followed the Alien into his house. The house was really rackety. There were webs everywhere with flies stuck on them. Some flies were huge, as big as humans. The Alien led them to a golden shimmering table which was long and had a beautiful silver cloth on top of it with some lovely pink and red roses. Then the Alien brought in some delicious pizzas, garlic bread and a enormous chocolate cake which looked good. All the children sat down to eat. Suddenly the table tuned into a web and the alien turned into a spider and started climbing the web. Underneath the web there was a big hole with lava. There were giant red snakes made of lava waiting to have their lunch. At the top of the hole there were two sharp knives, one on the left and one on the right, ready to chop anything that falls into that hole.The children panicked so much that there eye balls nearly popped out of their eyes. Abbie was the only one who wasn't scared because she had a knife in her belt and she had a plan. She shouted , " Hold on right now!" and cut the web with her knife. The spider fell into the hole and died.
They went out of that scary house looking for a way to go home.